Introduction - Museum-Railway Bruchhausen-Vilsen -- Asendorf, Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein e.V., how to join us
Operations - days of operation, special events, timetable, fares and conditions, train charter
News - about the Museum-Railway, special events, exhibitions, publications
Contacts - DEV station office, Tourist Information, Museum-Shop
Get here - information for your trip to the Museum-Railway
Railway Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke - special trips and connecting service to the Museum-Railway
Sprachübergreifende Informationen / Information for all languages
Linkliste - Linksammlung rund um das Thema Eisenbahn
Links - a collection of railway related internet links
Informationen zum Veranstaltungsprogamm des 50-jährigen Jubiläums der Museums-Eisenbahn Bruchhausen-Vilsen im Jahr 2016.