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By joining the Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein e.V. as a member you can help us to keep alive the witnesses of the branch line history for the future.

DEV membership formAs a member you will receive four annual issues of our german magazine "Die Museums-Eisenbahn". Furthermore you will have free rides with our museum railroad from Bruchhausen-Vilsen to Asendorf and you are entitled for discounted tickets at many German museum railroads. We allways need practical help to keep our trains running. Ask for details! Membership forms can be obtained at our ticket offices, at the Museum shop, from the train staff and at the DEV station office. You will find a PDF-file for downlaod below for printout. Please send us the filled form via mail or FAX.

Membership form (PDF-File, 50 kB), please print this form, fill in and send back to:
Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein e.V.
- Mitgliederverwaltung -
Postfach 1106
D-27300 Bruchausen-Vilsen, Germany
Telefax: +49 0 42 52 / 9300-12