- 20./21.04.: Easter holiday train rides - with diesel motorcar to Heiligenberg station.
- 26.04.:
Spargel-Express - culinary train ride with asparagus dinner, reservation required.
- 01.05.: Season start - the wait is over and the Museum-Railway highballs into a new season with a special timetable.
- 01.05.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 18.05.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 25.05.: Race men against machine - Exciting race between steam train and runners. The track is 8 km long and starts at Bruchhausen-Vilsen station, while it ends at Asendorf station. You can follow the race from the train window. The finish at Asendorf station will have supporting program. Need more information, want to register for the race? Please visit the Event Website.
- 29.05.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 30.05.: Photo-Day - celebrating the 125th birthday of the Railway from Hoya to Syke and Asendorf. The trains used at this event bring the 50s of the last century back to life.
- 08./09.06.: Pentecost - time for a train trip into the fresh and green landscape.
- 08.06.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 15.06.: Erdbeermarkt in Asendorf - traditional strawberry market at Asemdorf station.
- 15.06.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 29.06.: TEDDYBEAR-Day - Teddy rides the train! Today there are free rides for all children up to 14 years who carry their Teddybear or other cuddly toys with them.
- 05./06.07.: Steampunk - Museum railway meets steampunk, because steampunk and steam locomotives belong together. On both days, trains will run according to our Sunday timetable and the steam train will be supported by a rustic diesel locomotive.
- 06.07.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 20.07.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 02./03.08.: Railfan Spectacular - additional train rides, freight train operations, model railroads - bring your camera.
- 03.08.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 17.08.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 22.-26.08.: Train rides to "Brokser Heiratsmarkt" (traditional fair) - running Eystrup - Hoya - Br.Vilsen and Br.Vilsen - Syke.
- 31.08.: TEDDYBEAR-Day - Teddy rides the train! Today there are free rides for all children up to 14 years who carry their Teddybear or other cuddly toys with them.
- 07.09.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 13./14.09.: Open Memorial Day - celebrating the 125th birthday of the Railway from Hoya to Syke and Asendorf, take a trip back in history.
- 14.09.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 21.09.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 03.10.: "Maus"-Event - Well known to German children is the "Maus", a cartoon mouse from a television series that explains the world in easy words. How does a steam engine work? What is the task of the fireman? Why does the conductor wear a red cap? It's time to clear up all questions about railways with explanations and guidances specially dedicated to children. There will be supporting program for the whole family and catering as well.
- 03.10.: Kaffkieker Train Rides - tourist trains with diesel motorcars running Eystrup -- Hoya -- Bruchhausen-Vilsen (connection to the Museum-Railway) -- Heiligenfelde -- Syke.
- 04./05.10.: 100 years of AEG motorcar T43 - celebrating the 100th birthday of our AEG motorcar T43 - everything revolves around the more than 100-year history of railcars from the pioneering days to the economic miracle era, from lightweight construction to large capacity. See railcars that have not yet been restored and are otherwise only to be found behind the gates, or experience a ride in one of the many exemplary refurbished vehicles. We present 100 years of railcar history, including special trips on the standard-gauge ‘Kaffkieker’ line.
- 05.10.: Potato-Market - traditional potato market at Asendorf station celebrating the potato harvest.
- 29.11.:
Enten-Express - culinary train ride with duck dinner, reservation required.
- 29./30.11.: Train rides with Santa Claus - please book your tickets via our onlines store at Nordwest-Ticket.
- 06. + 07.12.: Train rides with Santa Claus - please book your tickets via our onlines store at Nordwest-Ticket.
- 13. + 14.12.: Train rides with Santa Claus - please book your tickets via our onlines store at Nordwest-Ticket.
- 20. + 21.12.: Train rides with Santa Claus - please book your tickets via our onlines store at Nordwest-Ticket.